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A Coffee Ring cake

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Mince pies

A few mince pies with a cup of tea. Why not, it's Christmas afterall! 

Christmas cake

I love the annual ritual of making my  Christmas cake. 🎄 I soak the fruit in alcohol overnight before baking it in the oven. I also add a few tipples of brandy into the cake itself before adding the layer of marzipan and royal icing. 😋   

The xmas pudding

After steaming the puds for several hours in a slow cooker, the puddings are ready. I wrap them up ready to be collected by friends and family.  The smell of Xmas puds cooking in the kitchen is of brandy and fruit. It's the smell of Xmas!!  

Happy Stir up Sunday!

Today is Stir Up Sunday. The last Sunday before Advent.  I made my xmas puddings today, after soaking the fruit is brandy overnight. They are now steaming away in the slow cooker for several hours. This process makes them very moist and full of flavour. Stir-up Sunday dates back to Victorian times, when cooks prepared the Christmas pudding by stirring the mixture and adding silver coins as good luck token!

Banana Loaf with choc chips

This is one of my favourite loaf recipes. Thank you to the Surbiton community fridge project, I used leftover bananas for this recipe 😋 

Kinder chocolate chocoholic Birthday Cake

A chocoholics dream! Chunks of kinder chocolate on the top, along with rich chocolate icing and sprinkled with a spoonful of gold glitter.  A chocolate sponge filled with white chocolate butter icing. As requested by my Niece, Tia for her 14th Birthday Cake.