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Showing posts from August, 2023

Homemade plum gin

I had a bumper crop of plums from my tree this year so decided to make some plum gin as well, as the usual jam. After brewing for 3 weeks, it turned a lovely pink colour. The taste is slightly sharp and not too sweet,which is just what I was aiming for! mixed with tonic and ice, this is a delicious GnT ๐Ÿ˜‹

Flapjack - one of my favourites

I treated myself over the weekend by making a batch of flapjacks with a few choc chips mixed in. One of my all time flapjacks, this recipe by Rachel Allen is the best I have found so far.

Classic plum jam

Every year I love to make plum jam, using the plums from the tree in my garden and share the jars produced amongst friends and family.

Plum yoghurt loaf

I had so many plums this year from the tree in my garden, I decided to try this recipe. This moist loaf cake is stuffed with plums and a bit of cinnamon plus yoghurt and ground almonds.

Hummingbird Cake

What a great name for a cake! Its a Jamie Oliver recipe and has tropical fruit in it, which is where its name may have come from?A delicious cake, packed with banana ๐ŸŒ and pineapple ๐Ÿ.This cake has a moist sponge and is topped with one of my favourite, cream cheese icing.