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RIP RAWING BROWNIES with white chocolate chips

180g best quality dark chocolate
180g unsalted butter
½ tablespoon real vanilla extract
3 eggs
175g golden caster sugar
½ teaspoon salt
112g plain flour
112g white chocolate, chopped

  • Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4/350F.
  • Line your baking tin (measuring approx 33cm x 23cm x 5.5cm) with butter and dust with flour
  • Melt the butter and dark chocolate together in a large heavy based pan.
  • In a bowl or wide mouthed large measuring jug, beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla.
  • Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.
  • When the chocolate mixture has melted let it cool a bit before beating in the eggs and sugar, and then the flour.
  • Finally fold in the chopped white chocolate. Beat to combine smoothly and then pour out of the saucepan into the lined pan.
  • Bake for about 20 mins.
  • SCOFF and then go for a run!

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