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Showing posts from July, 2021

Plum crumble cake with a touch of cinnamon

This is such a lovely easy recipe and a great way for me to use up my large supply of plums, picked form the tree in my garden. I laid sliced up plums on the base, sprinkled them with cinnamon and then added the sponge mixture on top. The final stage is to add a crumble style mix which sits on top of cake. The end result is delicious.  A light sponge, with plums on the bottom and a lovely crumble on the top. Great with a spoon of crĆØme fresh or a scoop (or 2!!) of ice cream. If you would like the recipe let me know and I'll post it up here as well.  

Homemade plum jam

The tree is my garden has had a record number of plums this year, which considering the awful weather we have had is an absolute miracle. I have therefore been able to make masses of jam for family and friends this year to the point I have run out of jars! The jam tastes good on bread or add a bit to your porridge at breakfast.