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Showing posts from September, 2021

Hedgehog shortbread biscuits

As a bit of a of a fun way to raise money towards The  British Hedgehog Preservation Society, I made some shortbread `hoggie biscuits' for my work colleagues.' I bought a great hedgehog cookie cutter in 2 sizes.  Sprinkled with sugar, these biscuits are great with a cup of coffee to keep you going in the morning. Hedgehog shortbread biscuits

My new gadget. A pasta maker.

Such a lovely birthday gift. An attachment to my kitchen aid mixer which makes pasta. I love it. Homemade pasta is delicious šŸ˜‹ make the pasta on the kitchen aid mixer using the dough attachment then remove the bowl, attach the pasta maker and away you go! 

Mojito Birthday cake

My Mojito Birthday cake! Bursting with the flavours of rum, lime and mint. This moist sponge is delicious- topped with a cream cheese and lime butter icing. My nearest & dearest, Lee made this for me. I was very impressed with his cake.